Tuesday, December 07, 2004

BBC: Why does it always describe militants as Islamic?

During the BBC news bulletin at 0700 on December 7, 2004, “Islamic” was added every time the word “militant” was used in the story on the attack on the U.S. consulate in Jeddah. There could be some justification – if at all – if Saudi Arabia was a non-Muslim country. With the entire country being a Muslim, why should it be necessary to describe the militants as “Islamic?”
The adjective is not confined to militants in Saudi Arabia. Every time a Muslim is involved in militancy, BBC describes him as “Islamic.”
On the other hand, BBC never ever says “Catholic IRA terrorists” when it would have been perfectly justified because the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland is fighting against the Protestant majority.
The only explanation for the outrageous usage of the BBC editors is that they want to create hatred against the Muslims.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

PARLIAMENT: Which one is more representative?

The lower house, Lok Sabha, of Indian Parliament has 525 seats for a population of 1.05 billions, or one member for every two millions.
Pakistan's lower house, National Assembly, has 342 seats for a population of 150 millions, or one seat for 438,596. That comes to less than one-fourth of Lok Sabha.
Which Parliament is more representative of the people?